From May 27 to 30, the Alivira group held the second Global Formulation Convention in Antalya, Turkey. More than 40 participants from different countries and continents gathered in Turkey for this annual meeting.

It was 4 days of work meetings, workshops, plenary sessions, and presentations, during which we shared experiences, new projects, and a joint vision to face future challenges in the animal health sector. We take away very good memories of this intense week, interesting learnings, and great motivation to continue working and improving day by day.

Thank you very much to all the participants from the different subsidiaries for your active involvement and great team spirit. We are ALIVIRA!

We are happy & proud to announce that, second time in a row, Alivira has been awarded ‘The best company award from India/ Middle East/ Africa’ for 2020 by Animal Pharm.
Animal Pharm is a leading news and analysis service for the global animal health industry for over 30 years, gathering information on critical developments, emerging trends, changes to the business, regulatory and competitive environment.

Laboratories Karizoo-Alivira has recived the National Sepor Gold Award Entrepreneurship as an innovative company, family origin, dedicated to the veterinary pharmaceutical sector, which aims to improve the health and welfare of the animal production and health and quality  life of pets around the world.

Laboratorios Karizoo assisted the “Uniferon Anemia Summit” organiced by  Pharmacosmos in Denmark.

Pharmacosmos is a pharmaceutical company, dedicated exclusively to the production and marketing of dextran iron.

In Europe, it is sold whit UNIFERON 200 mg / ml brand, distributed exclusively by Laboratorios Karizoo. UNIFERON is the injectable iron complex who has the lower level of heavy metals on the market, that makes the choice product for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pigs.

In the “Uniferon Anemia Summit”, we had the pleasure to be join by important veterinarians from different places of Spain, and Europe.