MUTILAN 125 mg/ml

Data sheet :

Product Description

Each ml contains 125 mg of Tiamulin hydrogen fumarate.

· Pigs: For the treatment of swine dysentery caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and complicated by Fusobacterium spp. and Bacteroides spp. For the treatment of porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) caused by M. hyopneumoniae and viruses such as PRRSV and Swine Influenza virus complicated by P. multocida and A. pleuropneumoniae. For the treatment of pleuropneumonia caused by A. pleuropneumoniae.
· Chickens: For the treatment and prevention of chronic respiratory disease (CRD) and air sacculitis caused by M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae.
· Turkeys: For the treatment and prevention of infectious sinusitis and air sacculitis caused by M. gallisepticum, M. synoviae and M. meleagridis.

Oral use in drinking water.
· Pigs: Treatment of swine dysentery the dosage is s 8.8 mg/kg daily administered in the drinking water for 3-5 consecutive days. Treatment of PRDC 15-20 mg/kg daily for 5-10 consecutive days. Treatment of pleuropneumonia 20mg/kg daily for 5consecutive days.
· Chickens: Treatment and prevention of chronic respiratory disease (CRD) and air sacculitis the dosage is 25–30 mg/kg daily administered for 3-5 consecutive days.
· Turkeys: Prevention of infectious sinusitis and air sacculitis 250 mg/1 L in drinking water for 3 days during the first week of life. Treatment of infectious sinusitis and air sacculitis 250 mg/1 litre in drinking water for 3-5 consecutive days.

For more information, check your national SPCs.

Swine, Turkeys

Meat and offal:
· Pigs: 4 days.
· Chicken: 2 days.
· Turkeys: 5 days.

Eggs: Chickens: 0 days.

Bottles of 1 L and 5 L.

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